
The Therapist Training Programs


Are you keen to explore your inner healing powers? Are you ready to tap into the universal energy available to all of us? Are you willing to use your powers to help the world around you?

Then our specialised Therapist & Trainer Programs are definitely meant for you. 

  • Our programs are
  • Gentle
  • Non-invasive  
  • Might or might not use physical touch during energy healing on others
  • Can be customised to fit each person’s individual need

Healing is twice as effective because it combines the 

  • principles of meditation
  • Works on our vibration
  • Laws of the universe
  • Vedic Systems of healing 
  • and brings the power of healing to a very high level. 

They combine techniques from 31+ holistic modalities to give the desired results. These include

  • Meditation
  • Reiki
  • Chakra Healing
  • Visualizations 
  • Vedic Healing Methods
  • Shadow Therapy
  • Inner Child Therapy 
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Ho’oponopono
  • Pelmanism
  • Quantum Leap
  • Karma Cleansing & Healing
  • And much more.

These programs cover

These programs are perfect for 

  • Distance Healing for humans, animals, plants
  • Healing Mother Earth
  • Surrogate Healing
  • Clearing Entities
  • Dealing with all issues of the 
    • Mind
    • Body
    • Spirit / soul
    • Psychology
    • Emotions
    • Family & relationships
    • Behaviour patterns
    • Karmic Issue
    • Phobias & Addictions
    • Ancestral Issues
    • And more…
  • Reiki practitioners 
  • energy healers 
  • Mediums & clairvoyants
  • psychics 
  • anyone in the complementary therapy field.
Ishkriti - Healing through Beej Mantra

Soon to be Updated

The Energy Psychotherapist Training Program

The universal divine has blessed every living entity with 7 energy points that provide and regulate the energy flow within our bodies. When our chakras are balanced, they contribute to and maintain our physical, mental, and emotional health. Each chakra plays a specific role in sustaining good emotional experiences and psychological states. They are believed to foster a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit.  However, due to the...

Encash Your Wisdom - 1 year Energy Therapist & Life Coach Training Program

From the moment a human takes birth, they embark on a quest to find their purpose and fulfill it to live a meaningful life. The achievement of this purpose depends on the choices we make in life and the sincerity of our intentions in pursuing our dream. During this journey, many people lose their way due to multiple reasons, including misguidance, fear of failure, lack of clarity, unawareness, and greed for instant gratification. As a result, unf...

Soul Discovery ( Courses & Programs)

Do you desire to be a life coach? Body Psychotherapist? Divination Expert?

Energy Healer? Space Clearing Coach?